Getting to my office is pretty easy.
In fact, you're already there.
If you're wondering how I can be in two states at the same time, welcome to the wonders of virtual care. For years, I resisted the idea of working through a screen before finding myself with no alternative. Yet, weeks later, I found myself stubbornly admitting that sessions were still quite meaningful to my clients.
To my surprise, the clients found that while it was different, it was still effective. And they loved the commute - to a quiet room in their own home where they clicked a button on their computer, tablet, or phone. Voila. For the overwhelming majority, there was no going back.
To my surprise, the clients found that while it was different, it was still effective. And they loved the commute - to a quiet room in their own home where they clicked a button on their computer, tablet, or phone. Voila. For the overwhelming majority, there was no going back.